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맨위로 이동

Welcome to

Jangsu-Gun Council


  • 최한주 의장
    Choi Han-joo
    Position : Chairperson
    Election district : Na Constituency
    Party : Democratic Party of Korea
  • 유경자 부의장
    Yoo Kyung-ja
    Position : Vice-Chairperson
    Election district : Proportional representative
    Party : Democratic Party of Korea
  • 김광훈 행정복지위원장
    Kim Gwang-hun
    Position : Administrative Welfare Committee Director
    Election district : Ga Constituency
    Party : Democratic Party of Korea
  • 김남수 산업건설위원장
    Kim Nam-soo
    Position : Industrial Construction Committee Director
    Election district : Na Constituency
    Party : Independent party
  • 한국희 의원
    Han Guk-hee
    Position : Council member
    Election district : Ga Constituency
    Party : Democratic Party of Korea
  • 장정복 의원
    Jang Jung-bok
    Position : Council member
    Election district : Na Constituency
    Party : Democratic Party of Korea
  • 이종섭 의원
    Lee Jong-seob
    Position : Council member
    Election district : Ga Constituency
    Party : Democratic Party of Korea