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Welcome to

Jangsu-Gun Council


최한주 의장

Choi Han-joo,
the Chairperson of the Jangsu County Council

I am Choi Han-joo, the Chairperson of the Jangsu County Council.

I sincerely welcome you for always showing interest in the legislative activities of Jangsu County Council and for visiting our council website.

Dear and respected county residents! Jangsu County is facing the risk of regional extinction due to three major factors: aging population, low birth rate, and economic challenges.

In response, we will actively implement projects to stabilize the local economy and attract population, and we will revitalize the tourism industry by linking the unique features, culture, and history of the region to create a city where people want to stay.

There is a saying that crisis is an opportunity. It is time for both the public and private sectors to unite and overcome this crisis.

Jangsu County will overcome this wisely and become a hopeful and livable place.

All members of the 9th Jangsu County Council, including myself, promise to uphold the will of the residents more highly and to work even harder for the residents. We ask for your continued interest and support for the Jangsu County Council. We wish you continued health and happiness.

Thank you.